Saturday, June 14, 2008


Now I had this thought which came to my mind about love being a kind of fleeting feeling.
It has one of the basis as the fact that, or infact an opinion, a guy and a girl can remain good friends only if they do not like each other.
So now ..
Assume that the friendship between a girl and boy is like two trains approaching each other with different speeds and each one having different stoppages.Love is also a station which both of them cross ..But it becomes love only if they are at it at the same time.So either the guy waits there or vice versa or both of them are there at it at the same time.Its at this station of love that their hearts as passengers cross over and enter into the other person's train(of thoughts).Love remains as long as they are in each other's train.
Love may not come in certain situations like if the one of the trains stops at some other station they remain friends only.Or maybe they cross each at a different stations or the trains may just not meet since they maybe diverted to other rail tracks.
Though I am still unable to put words to how exactly the feeling of love is fleeting..

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