Sunday, May 2, 2010

Information OVERLOAD

Well..the question is how much can we keep in our head..
To put it another way..I am saying that I have a very good memory ...Well I was aware of this condition a few years back when I was studying but I had been able to keep it down until about the start of this know how people say that I can forgive but cant forget..It is literally true in my case..I seem to remember even the minutest of things..and not only of a little time back..but from my very existence..and I seem to be getting a little hopeless in this regard..and desperate too..Its not only when I meet people but also in my dreams..Its beginning to haunt me now..Sometimes it looks like I don't have a life probably or don't have many things happening for me so I seem to remember tidbits things too..I think there should be some medical condition for this ..I am sick I think..I already had a hyperactive/restlessness syndrome..then I seem to be happy for mostly no reasons(Serotonin hormone is one explanation)..and now this memory condition too..
Now I want to say that I don't remember the song I have been listening too..but I can't help
I am listening to to a lot of trance and a Plushgun-Just Impolite

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