Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I generally avoid tags since i find them boring..but i came across a slew of interesting ones..So i will pen down another one..
Here i have to write 5 facts about myself...
1. I dont like to use the word gud friends or even like ppl to call me their gud friend ..leave apart best friends..I cannot reciprocate this feeling..Its just the way i am..its nt tht they arnt my gud/best why use a just puts a lot of expectations..Its nt even them expecting frm if i say they are my best/gud friends ..i will strt expecting too much frm them...
2.I am impulsive...I dont think many a times..its a gud trait and bad many a times..I remain impulsive when its going good ..but restrain myself when in despair or anger ..since actions at tht time cant be taken back..
3. I am a true gemini..I show whichever face i want to i wish ..and when i wish...all to my wish...
smtimes i feel if all those who knw me come together they wudnt knw 1 common thing abt me...whatever reallly..
4. I have proposed a girl 'seriously' only twice..first one: she ws such an old school friend tht she dint take it seriously...and she laughed it out thinking I am flirting..after tht I used to talk to her in a serious tone for abt a month after which i gave up..she is still one of my best friends...2nd proposal i really cant talk abt..:)
5.Well I used to get scared watching those silly hindi scary movies which used to come on ATN at even noon hours...

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